In 2006, I quit a perfectly good job so I could go get my doctorate. I needed something on which to focus that didn't smell like a library book. I saw a flier for a kendo/iaido school in the next town over. I started going and had a very similar experience. I was magnificently terrible at both. I kept at it anyway. It took four years of twice weekly practices to get somewhere. In my case that meant practicing with just the instructors in year four. When I went for my final lesson, the sensei said, "Matthew, when you started I thought you were perhaps the worst student I had ever seen. Now you are pretty good." It was the willingness to be very bad at something that made getting better possible. I thought about quitting a hundred times. I don't know why I didn't, but I'm glad I stuck with it. Your article reminded me of these experiences. I really appreciate how beautifully you communicated your story. Thank you.